Sunday, April 4, 2010

36 Weeks

Well Mom is now 36 weeks along and I cant wait to get you here. You have been very low and it is really starting to get to Mommy's back. It hurts all the time. I am also having a hard time sleeping at night. We found out that we will be having you on the 27Th of the month if nothing happens before then. We thought it was going to be the 23rd but he changed it on us. Mommy has also starting to retain the water like crazy so her hands and feet are starting to get really swollen. Hopefully the next few weeks go fast so we can see your sweet face.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Only 10 more weeks

Well we only have 10 more weeks before we get to see you. It seems to be going by pretty fast which is good. You have been very low so some days mommy has a hard time walking and I am really sore. I am starting to feel you move a little more so I know you are getting bigger. I get kicks in my ribs once in a while and they are not very strong but at least it reminds me that you are in there. Daddy only has to work 3 more hitches before he gets to be home with us for a month. That will be very nice.

Mommy had another doctors appointment yesterday and everything is still going good. I see the doctor now every 2 weeks then pretty soon it will be weekly. Brooklin has started to get the idea that you are going to be here soon. I still don't know how she is going to react to you though once you get here. She told me yesterday that she is going to rock you. I think she is going to be a great big sister.

Mommy is still working on your room. We decided to put some pink in there to break up the yellow and purple. I just have to finish your bed set and then get some misc. things for your self. I also am working on your vinyl saying for the wall. I hope to have that done this weekend.

Cant wait to meet you soon!!